The breed originated back in 1710 when Morten Bak, a resident of Glenstrup near Randers and Hobro, mated local farm dogs with gypsy breeds for eight generations repeatedly. This crossbreeding led to the development of piebald purebred dogs, which were named Old Danish Pointers or Bakhounds.
Since the local farm, as well as the gypsy dogs, descended from scent hounds that have St. Hubert Hound ancestry, the latter is thought to have influenced the development of Old Danish Pointers.

Temperament and Behavior

The Danish Pointer is a quiet dog with a steady character and shows plenty of stubbornness and courage. Devoted, friendly, and fun-loving, it makes a congenial pet suited to active families. It remains calm indoors, provided it gets plenty of daily exercises.
In the field, the dog is highly spirited and hard-working. During a hunt, it moves slowly and maintains constant contact with its owner. Adept at pointing and retrieving a gallinaceous bird, the Danish Pointer does not make any unnecessary noise while carrying out its hunting job.
It is tolerant towards children and other pets if it is raised with them.


The Danish Pointer, being a lively breed, needs a minimum of an hour of regular activity. You can play Frisbee in a large fenced yard, train it for dog sports such as agility or flyball, and take it out for running in addition to a long, vigorous walk.


The dog does not need much grooming.Brushing its coat a week using hound mitt and rubbing with a chamois will help in retaining the gleam.To keep it clean, brush its coat on a regular basis and occasionally rub down using a dump cloth.Trim long nails to avoid infection.


It is typically a healthy breed though some Danish Chicken Dogs are likely to get hip dysplasia, which is an inherited condition causing abnormal development of the hip joint.


These dogs are easy to train because of their smartness and docile nature.
  • Since the Danish Pointers are versatile gundogs, they often have to retrieve game birds from the water. For this, you can teach your Pointer how to swim. If your friend or neighbor’s dog loves swimming, you can ask them to bring it along in order to help build up your pet’s confidence. Start by throwing a ball or stick into the shallowest portion of the water and instruct your dog to “fetch.” Once it brings the item back, give your pet plenty of praises and treats. Keep practicing and make sure that you do not push your pet too far.
  • Expose your Danish Pointer puppy to different people and their pets. Trips to the dog park can play an important role in forming a well-adjusted dog.


A healthy diet comprising meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables are recommended for your Old Danish Pointer.

Interesting Facts

  • The male Danish Pointers are more powerful and muscular than the females, which are more energetic and impulsive.


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