The Spanish Greyhound, also known as the Galgo Español, has a serious, reserved temperament and can be shy in the presence of people he doesn’t know. He is affectionate toward his family and gentle with young children. Plan to give him frequent early socialization to overcome his tendency toward shyness. In the home, he’s quiet, but when he is hunting he turns into a lively, energetic dog.
A height of 24 to 27.5 inches gives him easy access to kitchen counters, so don’t leave food out where he can get to it. He will have no qualms about stealing it.
Give a Spanish Greyhound regular exercise to keep him conditioned. He’s an ace competitor in lure coursing, a sport that involves chasing a mechanically operated artificial lure.
The Spanish Greyhound gets along with other dogs and he has a reputation for being friendly around cats. Even so, if you acquire an adult Galgo, it's best to supervise him around cats until you’re sure they get along. And the Galgo Español won’t have any qualms about chasing unknown cats or other small furry animals he sees outdoors, so he must always be walked on leash.
The 50- to 65-pound Galgo Espanol can live contentedly in an apartment or condo as long as he gets a daily walk or run of at least half an hour. He’s an excellent partner for joggers and runners and is satisfied to be a couch potato after exercise. Never permit a Galgo Español to run free except in a safely enclosed area. An underground electronic fence does not constitute a safe enclosure. The Spanish Greyhound will run right over it, heedless of any level of shock.
Galgo Espanols respond well to positive reinforcement techniques, especially food rewards. If you are firm, fair, and provide the right motivation, they learn quickly and easily. If you don’t, well, this is a big dog that can do a lot of damage untrained and left to his own devices.
Looking for a dog with an easy-care coat? The Spanish Greyhound has you covered. Weekly brushing of his smooth, shorthaired coat (the majority of Galgos have a smooth coat) and regular nail trimming and ear cleaning are all he needs to stay clean and in good condition.
The Galgo Español loves his family and should live indoors with them, preferably with access to furniture or soft bedding.
Other Quick Facts
- The speedy Galgo Español was bred to course rabbit and hare.
- The Galgo’s smooth or wiry coat can be any color, but is usually seen in brindle, fawn, red or black, with or without white markings.
- Unlike the Greyhound, which is more of a sprinter, the Galgo is built to run long distances over rugged terrain. His hare feet are suited to taking him safely over uneven ground.
- The Galgo Espanol is a generally healthy breed. Sighthounds in general have a tendency toward osteosarcoma (bone cancer).
- The Galgo is a rare breed in the United States, and puppies are not readily available.
The History of the Spanish Greyhound
Sighthounds -- dogs that hunt by sight -- have existed since ancient times. Different types of sighthounds have developed in different countries depending on the terrain and quarry. The Galgo is a Spanish sighthound created to course hare and rabbit. His name comes from the Latin “canis gallicus,” meaning Celtic dog. The Galgo probably descends from Greyhound-type dogs that were influenced by Salukis during the Moorish conquest of Spain.
The Galgo is rare in the United States and is not recognized by the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club. The dogs may participate in lure coursing events through the American Sighthound Field Association.
Spanish Greyhound Temperament and Personality
You might think that sighthounds are hyperactive because of their speed, but the opposite is true. The Galgo is a typical sighthound: quiet and a little reserved, but always affectionate with his family. Give him a long walk or a good run every day, and he will be content to spend the rest of the time relaxing on your sofa or bed. It’s when he’s running that you will see his energetic and lively side come out to play.
He can learn to get along with cats or small dogs if he is raised with them, but furry outdoor animals may invite his chase instinct. He needs a securely fenced yard to ensure that he doesn’t chase prey into the street and in front of a car.
The Galgo can be prone to shyness, so early socialization is essential. It’s also important to get him used to absence so he doesn’t develop separation anxiety.
Train a Galgo with positive reinforcement techniques such as praise and food rewards (especially the latter!). He is more than willing to learn as long as he understands what you want. Rewards are a good way to show him what you like.
Start training your puppy the day you bring him home. Even at eight weeks old, he is capable of soaking up everything you can teach him. Don’t wait until he is 6 months old to begin training or you will have a more headstrong dog to deal with. If possible, get him into puppy kindergarten class by the time he is 10 to 12 weeks old, and socialize, socialize, socialize. However, be aware that many puppy training classes require certain vaccines (like kennel cough) to be up to date, and many veterinarians recommend limited exposure to other dogs and public places until puppy vaccines (including rabies, distemper and parvovirus) have been completed. In lieu of formal training, you can begin training your puppy at home and socializing him among family and friends until puppy vaccines are completed.
Talk to the breeder, describe exactly what you’re looking for in a dog, and ask for assistance in selecting a puppy. Breeders see the puppies daily and can make uncannily accurate recommendations once they know your lifestyle and personality. Whatever you want from a Galgo, look for one whose parents have nice personalities and who has been well socialized from early puppyhood.
What You Need to Know About Spanish Greyhound Health
All dogs have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit disease. Run from any breeder who does not offer a health guarantee on puppies, who tells you that the breed has no known problems, or who keeps puppies isolated from the main part of the household for health reasons. A reputable breeder will be honest and open about health problems in the breed and the incidence with which they occur.
Because there are so few of them, little is known about the Galgo Español's health. In general, he appears to be a healthy breed. He may suffer muscle or toe injuries while running. Osteosarcoma, or bone cancer, is seen in sighthound breeds, so it is something to keep in mind. A reputable breeder will discuss potential health problems with you, including any problems she has seen in her own lines.
Careful breeders screen their breeding dogs for genetic disease and breed only the healthiest and best-looking specimens, but sometimes Mother Nature has other ideas. A puppy may develop one of these diseases despite good breeding practices. Advances in veterinary medicine mean that in most cases the dogs can still live a good life. If you’re getting a puppy, ask the breeder about the ages of the dogs in her lines and what are the most common causes of death.
Remember that after you’ve taken a new puppy into your home, you have the power to protect him from one of the most common health problems: obesity. Keeping a Galgo Espanol at an appropriate weight is one of the easiest ways to extend his life. Make the most of your preventive abilities to help ensure a healthier dog for life
The Basics of Spanish Greyhound Grooming
The Galgo is easy to maintain. Weekly brushing of his smooth, shorthaired coat with a hound mitt or rubber curry brush is all he needs to stay clean and in good condition. Give him the occasional bath with a dog shampoo if he rolls in something stinky. The wirehaired Galgo is also easy to groom, although his beard, mustache, and eyebrows may need some additional combing.
The rest is basic care. Trim the nails as needed, usually every few weeks. Like most sighthounds, Galgos are sensitive about having their feet handled, so practice this early on with a puppy and be sure you never hurt him when you are touching his feet. He’ll never forget it. Keep the ears clean and dry to prevent bacterial or yeast infections from taking hold. Brush the teeth frequently with a vet-approvet pet toothpaste for good overall health and fresh breath.
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